LPI950 LC-1 Solder Mask
LPI950 LC-1 LPI solder mask is a two component Liquid Photoimageable (LPI) solder mask manufactured by Sanwa Chemical.
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LPI950 LC-1 LPI solder mask is a two component Liquid Photoimageable (LPI) solder mask manufactured by Sanwa Chemical.
LPI950 C-8 solder mask is a two component Liquid Photo-imageable (LPI) solder mask manufactured by Sanwa Chemical.
LPI950 C-20 solder mask is a two component Liquid Photo-imageable (LPI) solder mask manufactured by Sanwa Chemical.
Removes solder masks from epoxy or polyimide based printed circuit boards without damaging the circuitry or the laminate.
OS-995 TDS
OS-953 LPI/Dry Film Solder Mask Remover is an aqueous, alkaline liquid designed to remove fully cured dry film solder mask and most photoimageable solder masks from printed circuit boards. OS-953 removes solder mask with much shorter exposure time than most competitive products. Solder mask is removed without damaging the circuitry or epoxy laminate.
RS-3150 Resist Stripper is a solution formulated to strip semi-aqueous dry film photo-resist and alkaline soluble screen printing inks. RS3150 contains copper brightening agents for a uniform clean copper appearance. RS-3150 has excellent stripping capacity and a rapid strip rate for high-speed horizontal applications. RS3150 can also be used in a batch mode. As
RS-3150 becomes saturated with resist; it may become necessary to add a suitable de-foamer such as BB-300.
In addition, RS-3150 can also be used as a fully cured solder mask remover. RS-3150 will not attack the butter coat or the metals of the printed circuit board. Concentration and temperature should be adjusted according to technical data sheet.
OS-987 Resist Stripper is a highly concentrated product designed to remove aqueous dry film resists and alkaline processible screening inks. It is very economical because it is used at a lower concentration than most competitive resist strippers. OS-987 may be used in dip or spray operations. It contains anti oxidants to retard attack on copper and tin/lead and keep parts bright for ease of inspection after stripping.