PC-5012 is a highly concentrated, acidic, liquid concentrate. It is used to clean copper clad laminate prior to the pattern plating process. It contains a concentrated blend of acids and surfactants developed and designed to remove and dissolve surface films normally found during pattern plating. It contains no ammonia, chelators or solvents. PC-5012 does not contain alkyl-phenol type surfactants.
PC-5012 TDS
PC-5012 Acid Cleaner with No Aklyl-phenols
PC-5012 is a highly concentrated, acidic, liquid concentrate. It is used to clean copper clad laminate prior to the pattern plating process. It contains a concentrated blend of acids and surfactants developed and designed to remove and dissolve surface films normally found during pattern plating. It contains no ammonia, chelators or solvents. PC-5012 does not contain alkyl-phenol type surfactants.
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