HN505.1™ is a free-flowing powder that is dissolved in water and mixed with a small amount of HN505.4™ Kick Start II to form the HN505™ accelerator bath. HN505™ acts to increase the plating potential of parts treated in HN504™ Acid-Free™ Activator.
HN505 Accelerator TDS
HN505 Accelerator Powder Analysis
HN505 Accelerator Kick Start Analysis
HN505 Accelerator
HN505.1™ is a free-flowing powder that is dissolved in water and mixed with a small amount of HN505.4™ Kick Start II to form the HN505™ accelerator bath. HN505™ acts to increase the plating potential of parts treated in HN504™ Acid-Free™ Activator.
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