Surface Finishes for Printed Circuit Boards
Printed circuit board fabrication is a complicated and involved process which requires a number of steps, all of which contribute to the overall quality of the final product. Of these steps, one of the most important can be the metal finish. Different finishes can provide a number of benefits or detriments to a printed circuit board, so knowing what to use for your specific boards is critical.
Surface finish technology changes frequently, and Florida CirTech stays on top of all of the different technologies and techniques in today’s market. We offer a large variety of metal finishing products to match your needs.

The Right Finish
Florida CirTech offers an array of metal finishes and final finish technologies to choose from. We also work directly with our assembly materials partners to research and develop the best technologies that compliment your unique application. Maybe you are looking for a more environmentally friendly solution, or need the most effective finish for your budget. We have you covered. From lead-free HASL, to immersion tin, and much more, Florida CirTech has your solution.